Filmmaker Ramenahalli Jagannatha believes that OTT platforms present an opportunity for emerging directors. He attributes his continued success to the revenue share gained from online streaming, emphasizing that some films find success on OTT that might have struggled in theaters. Despite this, he acknowledges the enduring appeal of the cinema experience. Currently preparing for his next project, "Theertharoopa Thandeyavarige," which explores a single parent's love, Jagannatha draws inspiration from literature, particularly authors like Poornachandra Tejaswi and SL Bhyrappa. While he faces challenges translating his characters from page to screen, he remains dedicated to infusing his work with emotional depth. Reflecting on the lengthy process of bringing a new project to fruition, Jagannatha emphasizes the importance of aligning various elements, such as business considerations and script development, culminating in a time-consuming yet rewarding endeavor.
Ramenahalli Jagannatha Filmmaker Ramenahalli Jagannatha believes that OTT platforms are a blessing for the new crop of directors. “The reason why I could sustain after my first film is because we go...